HISTORY Of the home
The Home has a rich history that supports the feeling of gracious living so many residents rave about.
In 1865 'The Home for the Friendless' was organized for the dependents of Civil War veterans and for women of limited resources.
Conceived by a small group of Presbyterian women, The Auburn Female Bible Society, “The Home” has operated without interruption since that time. Still known today by many as "The Home," both male and female residents from varied backgrounds bring with them lifetime experiences and talents which they share in many ways.
The affairs of “The Home” are the concern of the Board of Managers who is involved in every aspect of its smooth functioning. The Board of Trustees maintain the facility and grounds as well as overseeing the endowments.
Klare Gunnip, Administrator/CM
Tammy White, QA/Asst.CM/Asst. Administrator
Michele Thurston, Bookkeeper
Tamara Angotti, Activities Director
Linda Bolha, Activity Aide/Receptionist
Janice Lillie, Activity Aide/Receptionist
Board of Trustees
Pat Collier, President
Dave Sperduti
Guy Cosentino
Mark Fandrich
John Latanyshyn
Robert Steigerwald
Sam Vitale
Michael Mancini
Board of Manager
Terri Fitzmaurice, President
Sandra DelFavero
Judy Dilmore
Melissa Frendak
Paige Herrling
Pat Hill
Jackie Komanecky
Joyce Kreydatus
Carol Leonard
Carol Quill
Michelle Reno
Evelyn Waterman
Donna Melanbacher
Maureen Gelsi